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Development 💻

Default App Structure 📂

  ├── components/
  │    ├── ReadingTime.vue
  │    └── Author.vue
  ├── layouts/
  │    └── default.vue
  ├── pages/
  │    ├── posts/
  │    │    ├── index.vue
  │    │    └── hello.vue
  │    └── index.vue
  └── app.ts

Pages 🛣

Routes will be auto-generated for files in the src/pages dir with the same file structure.
If your add new page during the dev mode you need to restart weblands.

<main class="page">
<HeroSection />
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import HeroSection from '@/components/pages/home/HeroSection.vue';
export default defineComponent({
components: {

Layouts 📐

Add a src/layouts/default.vue:

<p>Some default layout content shared across all pages</p>
<slot />

In a layout file, the content of the page will be displayed in the <slot /> component.

App.ts 🌐

Weblands will pre-configure a Vue 3 app that will load any [pages] defined in the site.

You may provide additional configuration in src/app.ts, and leverage intellisense by using the defineApp helper.

import { defineApp } from '@belkins-group/weblands'
export default defineApp({
head: () => {
return {
meta: [
{ name: 'description', content: '<provide description>' },
{ property: 'author', content: },
enhanceApp ({ app, head, router }) {
// Configure the app to add plugins or custom behavior.
routesToPrerender() {
// Provide a list of dynamic urls to pre-render

Type: HeadObject | (context: AppContext) => HeadObject

Set the page title, meta tags, additional CSS, or scripts using @vueuse/head.


Type: (context: AppContext) => Promise<void>

A hook where you can add plugins to the Vue app, or do anything else prior to the app being mounted.


Type: string[]

Pass an callback that will generate dynamic routes to pre-render and returns an array of them